Ive seen some things about delf, luts, or blythe, i have NO idea what they are, if they are the same or how to find stuff out of about them! I really want a doll though, where can i buy a body/head? And i saw on one site there about $300, is there any that are cheaper?
How do you change the makeup? can you always change it? Where are places to buy clothes/wigs?
help!?What exactly is a delf doll (ball-jointed doll) ?Real BJDs (ball jointed dolls) are generally resin dolls made in Asia. The name is from the fact that the body parts are all separate pieces - the lower arm is separate from the upper arm, the hand is separate from the lower arm etc. These pieces meet in ball and socket joints that are only held together by the elastic stringing of the doll. Sometimes the lower piece will have a built in ball end and the upper piece has a scooped in %26quot;socket%26quot; shape to match the ball. Sometimes the balls are separate and the body sections all end in sockets. There are some vinyl true BJDs made in the US (like Goodreau American BJD) but in general these are not accepted on the largest US BJD board, Den of Angels due to their American look and proportions.
Real resin BJDs come in 4 basic sizes - tinies (everything under 35cm or so), MSD or mini or 1/4 size (40cm-46cm), SD or 1/3 size (56-64cm) and a less common larger size around 70cm. The minimum prices run for about $90 for the cheapest tiny, Under $200 for the cheapest mini, probably under $280 for the cheapest SD size, but the typical prices are higher. About a dozen brands can sometimes be found at US resellers like http://www.denverdoll.com/ and http://www.junkyspot.com/ (note - they may only show the models they have in stock. And the small Obitsus at JunkySpot are not BJDs, nor are many of the large Obitsus, and they are not resin).
Many doll sellers misuse the term BJD when selling dolls that are not BJDs. Blythe is not a BJD. Momoko, Volks Dollfie 21-27cm and the similar Obitsus are not BJDs yet sellers often call them that.
Re heads and bodies - unless you are an expert at resin matching and and modding resin, you cannot buy heads and bodies from different manufacturers or different lines within one manufacturer and expect them to match or fit. BJDs are usually purchased assembled with head, nude and unpainted. They often come with random eyes and a random wig. They may come with underwear. They rarely come with clothing unless you buy a more expensive limited fullset. The faceup (face painting, sealing, eyelashes) is usually available for extra cost.
Re clothing - every manufacturer's body is different. Not all 1/4, mini, MSD clothing will fit all minis, expecially since some BJDs are mature and some are not. The same goes for other sizes of BJD.
Re the facups - the resin head needs to be cleaned and air-dried and then sprayed with a very toxic type of sealer spray that can only be used properly outside, with protection, in dry temperate non-breezy weather. It is a special fine spray clear matte lacquer spray called MR Super Clear Flat or UV Cut Flat (aka MSC). Alternately Model Master Lusterless Clear lacquer Overcoat can be used. Two careful thin coats is what I do. Then the faceup is done with acrylics and chalk pastels and sometime watercolor pencils (all non-oily). The faceup may be done in a couple of layers and sealed between. Then the final overcoats of MSC are done. Then somehow you put lashes on with a bit of white glue. So yes, it can be redone, but you first would have to remove all of that, without smearing it, and hope none of the colors stained through the undercoat. if you stay away from intense colors there is less chance of staining.
Clothes and wig shopping depends on what BJD you have.
On the right here are links to lists of shops - the clothes links are first. Wigs link is at the bottom of the list.
Delf is what http://www.eluts.com/ calls some of its BJDs.
Blythe is a big-headed vinyl/plastic fashion doll that some people customize.What exactly is a delf doll (ball-jointed doll) ?Go to Den of Angels and start reading. Every single one of your questions is answered there.
- Delf is the main brand of dolls sold by Luts. Blythes are completely different. Google pictures if you need to see what I mean.
- Luts sells full dolls, as does pretty much every other major company out there (Volks, Doll in Mind, Dream of Doll, Dollzone...)
- Bobobie sells cheaper dolls, but their prices are about as low as you're going to get for a 60cm/SD sized doll. $300 for that size is generally considered to be on the lower end of the range anyway.
- Yes you can always change the makeup, but it's complicated so you really should learn more about it before even THINKING about doing it so you don't damage the doll.
- Anywhere that sells dolls will also sell clothes and wigs.
Seriously...visit Den of Angels.