Thursday, June 2, 2011

My gas gage just moves all over the place never know how much gas i have help.?

I can leave the gas station and have a 1/2 tank and drive to my house and the gage will go from that to almost empty and back.All on flat ground.It is always all over the place what makes this happen.Also not sure if related to problem but while in park my truck shakes sometimes while sitting at a light and sometimes it does not.Changed fuel filter,oil changed and filter,put fuel system cleaner in,new spark plugs,had my ball joints on the front changed.I dont have a clue and i really need some help.I have a 2000 ford explorer with 140,000 miles and it ran great until our state made us use gas that had ethenol in it could this be the problem?I dont know i am out of ideas i need some outside help.ThanxMy gas gage just moves all over the place never know how much gas i have help.?ok, 1st problem fuel guage: since you staed it does this on flat sufaces, more than likely the sensor is bad in the tank and will need replacing/or the guage tself is bad, hwever try replacing the one in the tank first as it is less costly than removing your dashboard simply to get to the guage :)

2nd problem shaking: this sounds like it may be the vibration damper on your vehicle. unfortunatly this can be a lil costly to replace, but the good news is that unless its affecting your driving capabilities while in motion, then this really doesnt need to be replaced immediatly.

hope this has been helpful :)My gas gage just moves all over the place never know how much gas i have help.?The gas could be responsible for the change in the way it runs, I don't know, our gas has had ethenol in it for awhile now so I wouldn't know... but I believe I heard something about causing poor fuel economy and running. Did you change the fuel filter as well?

For the gauge, just take it to the shop. It's just the gauge or sending unit or some part of that system. While you are there you can ask them about the other problem and find out what it would cost for them to take a look at it.

In my experience fuel pumps usually just go out, with very little warning. Usually after filling up your tank completely! yay...

Have you checked your coolant? Low coolant will sometimes make your rpms go crazy.

Anyway, it's really hard for anyone to diagnose your problems over the computer. And if you are short on money, you can't afford to be guessing. Diagnosis does cost money... because it tells you exactly what you need to know to fix it right the first time, which saves you money.