i was wondering what signs let me know when it's time to change my ball joint. because recently my 1994 honda accord is making a banging sound, like metal on metal....it sounds like the problem is around the drivers side...but i'm not sure exactly where it's coming from.How do i know when to change my ball joint?generally aball joint sound is usually when you go over pot holes
best bet is to take it to speedy or one of those places it is a free inspection they will tell you what is wrong then you can elect to fix it yourselfHow do i know when to change my ball joint?First step is to determine where exactly the noise is coming from, usually when your ball joints go bad your steering gets loose and uneven tire wear is present. Does the noise only happen when you turn your steering wheel? It might be your CV joint (constant volicy joint) this is in the front wheel drive and usually costs about $250.00 per side to repair. Take it do a reputable garage and have them check it out for you, better to find out exactly what the ptoblem is and get that fixedHow do i know when to change my ball joint?Jack your car up just enough so that the front tire is off the ground and you can put a bar (cro-bar or an equivalent) try lifting the bar and prying. If you see tire wiggle (not travel [suspension]), wether it be up and down or side to side, you know you need a new ball joint.How do i know when to change my ball joint?Usually a ball joint squeaks and the tire wears unevenly. If it's a CV joint, put it in reverse, turn the wheel all the way to one side and go back in a slow circle. It'll go click, click.